
sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

Activities based on "Uxue was born" project.

This week we have planned different activities related to the “Uxue was born” project. First of all, we decided to work around the family topic in the activities, thinking that this topic would match very well with the project and also that it would give a continuation to the family tree they had already done.

1st activity: Family album or short story

In this activity kids have to make a photograph album with their family members. This activity will help to introduce them to the family vocabulary (father, mother, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, pets...).

The older ones can make a short story using pictures, drawings and simple sentences talking about the day they were born, what was the weather like, which day of the week was, where were they born, which people went to visit them...

2nd activity: Who lives at my house?

This is a craftwork activity and we are going to need a house shape cardboard and different color stickers for it. Each color represents a different member of the family. For example: red sticker for dad, yellow for mom...

The kids have to fill their cardboard house with the family members that live in their house. So, if one kid lives with his father and his mother, he would have 3 different stickers on his cardboard. In the end we are going to put all the houses together an d make a mural with them, as the one that shows the photograph above.

3rd activity: Guess de card

We need cards with different family members pictures on them: grandmother/grandfather, mother/father, brother/sister, pets (fish, cat, dog),...

Then we ask for a volunteer, who will be the one that is going to guess the card. We put the flashcard on that kids back (we can hold it with a clothespin) so that he can´t it. The kid has to make questions to guess who is in the card. "Is it my...?" And other kids have to answer "yes" or "no", until, he/she guesses the family member that is in the card.

For the older kids we can use the same activity but to make it a little bit more difficult, instead using the "Is it my...?" question only, they can make questions about personal characteristics like: "Is she a girl?", "Is he older than me?", "Does she got long hair?"...

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